Orador principal:
Yaqueline Tello
Pavilion speaker: Mark Witas
The Bible describes tithe as 10% of income. People “returned tithe” to God at their place of worship. These tithes would provide a living for the priests that served there. When a person returned tithe, it signified that God was Lord of all they had. (Hebrews 7:2, Genesis 28:22)
In the 1870’s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church adopted the biblical tithing principle as the primary mechanism for supporting our worldwide mission. This consistent plan of sharing resources is one key component that has enabled our church and its message to grow and remain firm in many parts of the world.
All tithe is sent by the local church to the Oregon Conference where it is distributed throughout the conference and the world.
Tithe is to be used to support the evangelistic outreach and nurturing ministries of the Church.
The majority of Oregon tithe supports ministry within the Oregon Conference.
When tithe is returned, the resources are shared among different church organizations according to a specific formula. This supports our worldwide mission. Here’s how tithe is distributed and used.
To view more details tap on the percentages below. Tap again to close window.
The Bible describes tithe as 10% of income. People “returned tithe” to God at their place of worship. These tithes would provide a living for the priests that served there. When a person returned tithe, it signified that God was Lord of all they had. (Hebrews 7:2, Genesis 28:22)
In the 1870’s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church adopted the biblical tithing principle as the primary mechanism for supporting our worldwide mission. This consistent plan of sharing resources is one key component that has enabled our church and its message to grow and remain firm in many parts of the world.
All tithe is sent by the local church to the Oregon Conference where it is distributed throughout the conference and the world.
Tithe is to be used to support the evangelistic outreach and nurturing ministries of the Church.
The majority of Oregon tithe supports ministry within the Oregon Conference.
When tithe is returned, the resources are shared among different church organizations according to a specific formula. This supports our worldwide mission. Here’s how tithe is distributed and used.
To view more details tap on the percentages below. Tap again to close window.
GC – The General Conference facilitates the mission of the Adventist Church around the world.
NAD – The North American Division (NAD) helps coordinate policy, curriculum, evangelism and employment practices across the United States and Canada. It is also instrumental in training the next generation of pastors.
NPUC – The North Pacific Union Conference serves the five states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. It especially focuses on services that can be shared across the entire region, and supports Walla Walla University.
SMALL CONFERENCES – Smaller conferences often don’t have the financial resources to provide the needed ministry support in their territory. Through this allocation, Oregon directly supports ministry in Alaska, Montana, and Idaho.
PASTOR SALARIES – Employment costs are the single largest expense in the Oregon Conference. As of 2019, 124 pastors are employed in our conference.
OLD PENSION PLAN – In 2000, the NAD transitioned employees from a defined benefit (pension) retirement plan to a defined-contribution retirement plan (403 (b)). This budget item continues to fund the retirement of church employees who were working before that change.
CHURCH MINISTRIES – This supports the ministry departments of the Oregon Conference such as: Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Evangelism, Ministerial, and Relational. These departments exist to directly support and resource the ministry of the local church.
CAMP MEETING – Gladstone Camp Meeting is an Oregon tradition. This allocation ensures that Camp Meeting continues.
EDUCATION – Oregon Adventist Education operates thirty-two K-12 schools. Tithe specifically supports the spiritual mission of our schools.
SUPPORT – Administration, Communication, Human Resources, Treasury, Trust Services, and Risk Management departments provide vital services and support to our churches and schools.
Offerings are acts of worship, beyond tithe, that we choose to give. Offerings are given as a free-will heart-felt response to the blessings of God. (Deuteronomy 16:17)
Many church ministries depend on faithful offerings.
> In most cases, an additional 4-7% offering would fully support the local church budget.
> Oregon Conference Youth Support provides resources for senior academies, Big Lake Youth Camp, and young adult ministries.
> World Budget supports disaster and famine relief, higher education, media ministries, and other mission outreach.
Your local church board decides how to use your offering in the ministry of your church through a budgeting process. Most churches use local church offerings for expenses such as: utilities, Sabbath School supplies, church school subsidies, student aid, church ministries, community services, evangelism, and local projects. Talk to your local church leaders to learn more about your congregation’s approach.
Oregon Conference Youth Support provides needed funding for three ministry areas.
Senior Academies in Oregon. This offering supports the operating budgets of our conference senior academies to help make them a bit more affordable to families.
Big Lake Youth Camp. Each year over 3,000 campers and 100 staff receive the blessings of the BLYC experience. In addition, Big Lake is proud to provide respite for weary Pacific Crest Trail hikers through the PCT Welcome Center.
Young Adult Ministry. Our church is committed to Growing Together through intentional mentorship of our next generations and thoughtful culture shift in our congregations.The YA department facilitates ministry and leadership development among young adults throughout our conference.
Special Guest: Sharon Stratmoen – Sharon is a 30-year KidMin Veteran who is passionate about finding great volunteers to impact kids for Jesus. She is on the staff at Rockpoint Church in Lake Elmo, MN. She works with Group Publishing as a Director and Developer of Events including VBS Curriculum.
DATE: March 2, 2020
TIME: 10:00 – 1:00 PM *Lunch Included
LOCATION: Oregon Conference Office -Conference Room 19800 Oatfield Rd. Gladstone, OR 97027
RSVP: shirley.allen@oc.npuc.org or call 503-850-3537
Using the web browser you can view things on a bigger screen. Especially the videos. But if you use the App on a device you can interact with other participants and attendees and interact in "The Plaza". (On the web browser you can only see these things).
SERVING Jesus and others. Actively responding to Jesus' call and peoples' needs.
Volunteers need to complete the Volunteer Registration Form so that we can make sure everything is ready to go by Camp Meeting time including a current background check on file.
Pastors who are currently employed by the Oregon Conference need to complete the Pastor Registration Form so we know how to provide for you at Camp Meeting this year and can have as many things as possible ready to go when you get here.
Each department should complete this form for anyone who will be speaking for your department during Camp Meeting so we can make sure we have everything ready for them when they get on campus.
Those that work for us just during the summer also need to fill out a registration form so that we can make sure everything is ready to go by Camp Meeting time including a current background check.
Oregon Conference Office employees who will be participating in or attending Camp Meeting should fill out this registration form so that we can make arrangements for your ID card, parking pass, etc.
Gladstone Camp Meeting 2020 is going virtual! The COVID-19 pandemic has raised all kinds of questions about when large groups will be able to meet, or even whether people will be ready for that. In spite of the uncertainty, the spiritual food and camaraderie, the tradition of camp meeting is still important.
So while we won’t be meeting in person at Gladstone, we’re already planning an interactive online experience that will encourage and connect us. What does Virtual mean? Programming will be accessible from your desktop, your tablet, or your cell phone. If groups are able to gather by then, churches can even host viewing parties! It all is still happening in July, with programming for all ages, including José Rojas as our featured speaker!
We hope you'll plan to join us for a new way of doing camp meeting. Watch our website, Facebook and publications for more details as we get closer to Gladstone Virtual Camp Meeting 2020.
SERVING Jesus and others. Actively responding to Jesus' call and peoples' needs.
SERVING Jesus and others. Actively responding to Jesus' call and peoples' needs.
There are two ways to access Virtual Gladstone Camp Meeting
1. On your computer through . Go there now
Using the web browser you can view things on a bigger screen. Especially the videos. But if you use the App on a device you can interact with other participants and attendees and interact in "The Plaza". (On the web browser you can only see these things).
2. Download the official Gladstone Camp Meeting 2020 App for iPhone or Android.
View a PDF with step by step instructions on how to download and log into the app.
Q: What does a virtual camp meeting mean for campers?
Q: What are my two campsite reservation options for 2020?
Q: What are my two reimbursement options if I choose to cancel my site for a full refund? Your original form of payment does not need to be your refund option.
If we need additional information, we will contact you.
If there are any other questions that you may have, email is the preferred way to communicate with us: cm.reservations@oc.npuc.org. But if you do not have access to your email, we can be reached at the office phone number: (503) 850-3350.
The North American Division Children’s Ministries Department and AdventSource have partnered with the Texas and Oregon Conferences to deliver Heroes Home Edition, an exciting Vacation Bible School that families can enjoy in the safety of their own homes.
On July 6-10, 2020 the North American Division will host a division-wide live VBS program using Heroes Home Edition. Each day’s program will include all the songs, skits, Bible stories, and activities that kids look forward to at VBS.
Heroes Home Edition will be available online or as a free download at HeroesHomeEdition.org on July 6, 2020. It will include a practical guide for using technology and hands-on learning to experience Heroes VBS at home!
The big news of the week is that over 6,000 children across the NAD registered for the Heroes Home Edition Live event that is in progress this week. If you would like to use the programs you can go to You Tube to the Children’s Ministries NAD account and watch them there.
Join us for an adventure in conversation. We ask our guest questions, then what questions do you have? Come watch and chat with us.
Hand outlines
Help them stay connected
We are excited to announce a NEW feature
There are no current openings at the Conference office. Check back for any future openings.
All files below are downloadable PDFs
Ages 3+
A Prophet Without honor 1.9.2021
Jesus Presented in the Temple 1.2.2021
The Magi Visit Jesus 12.26.2020
Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus 12.19.2020
Jesus Tells Parables About Seeds 11.28.2020
The Parable of the Lost Son 11.21.2020
The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin 11.14.2020
The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin 11.7.2020
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 10.24.2020
Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man 10.17.2020
Elisha Traps Blinded Arameans 9.26.2020
Elisha's Pot of Stew 9.12.2020
The Widow's Olive Oil 8.29.2020
The Conversion of Saul 8.15.2020
Ages 7+
Jesus Teaches a Pharisee 1.2.2021
The Visit of the Magi 12.26.2020
The Magi Visit Jesus 12.26.2020
Jesus Presented in the Temple 12.19.2020
Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus 12.19.2020
The Wedding Banquet 11.28.2020
The Widow's Olive Oil 11.28.2020
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son 11.21.2020
Elijah Ascends to Heaven 11.21.2020
Jesus Walks on the Water 11.14.2020
Jesus Teaches a Pharisee 11.7.2020
David Returns to Jerusalem 11.7.2020
The Death of Absalom 10.31.2020
Jacob's Family Goes to Egypt 10.31.2020
Jacob and Esau Meet Again 10.24.2020
Absalom Leads a Revolt Against David 10.24.2020
Nathan Rebukes David 10.17.2020
David and Bathsheba 10.10.2020
Jacob, Leah and Rachel 10.10.2020
The Friendship of David and Jonathan 10.3.2020
Jacob's Dream at Bethel 9.26.2020
The Story of Abigail 9.26.2020
Jacob Receives Esau's Blessing 9.19.20
The Friendship of David and Jonathan 9.12.2020
Keeping our churches, schools and communities safe. Click below to learn more.
Latest reopening guidelines October 8, 2020.
You and your friends are invited. There is no charge, but you must register to receive the online link.
PIVOT will inspire and encourage you. Listen to keynote speaker Pastor Manny Cruz and dedicated breakout presenters who are passionate about ministering to children. You will be equipped to minister to the children you serve in powerful ways as the Holy Spirit leads us to pivot with Him. There will be seventeen seminar breakouts from which to choose. Four (4) seminar breakouts will be presented in Spanish.
Children are very much loved by Jesus. He is continually looking for ways to win them for the kingdom. He calls us, knowing how flawed we are, to love and reach children, first our own and then to come alongside other children and families and encourage them to do the same. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, a Sabbath School leader, an Adventurer leader, a VBS leader or a pastor this Children’s Ministry Expo will inspire you to reach this generation of children.
"See I am doing a new thing." Isaiah 43:19
Adult keynote speaker - John Bradshaw from It Is Written
Other speakers include - Derek Morris, S. Joseph Kidder, Randy Hill, Tom Evans, Andy Villanueva, Tim Taylor, Robert Zama, Patricia Vasquez, Jim Reynolds, and Dan Linrud
Download the 2021 camp meeting app for your smart phone
> You will need to sign into the camp meeting app. It just ask for an email and then create a password.
> When prompted to “Search for events.” Type in “Gladstone Camp Meeting 2021.”
View the 2021 camp meeting web app version on your computer or tablet
> You will need to sign into the camp meeting app. It just ask for an email and then create a password.
> For the best experience on an iPad or tablet use the web app.
In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spiritual food and camaraderie, the tradition of camp meeting is still important. So while we won’t be meeting in person at Gladstone, we have planned an interactive online experience that will encourage and connect us. It all is still happening July 20 – 24, with programming for all ages.
We hope you'll plan to join us for this year's virtual camp meeting and/or get together at a partner camp meeting location near you. To find a partner location, go to the app and look for the menu item named "CM Partner Sites".
Virtual means that camp meeting programming will be accessible from your mobile phone, tablet or desktop. The format will be similar to attending in person. There will be morning worship beginning at 7 am with seminars continuing throughout the day and ending nightly with John Bradshaw at 7 pm. Each age group, starting at age .1, will have sessions every day.
The place to find out everything about virtual camp meeting will be our app. This will provide you with the schedule, speakers and links to join the virtual seminars. The app will also provide you with interactive capabilities with other attendees.
Download the app on your smart phone. For those that want to watch from anywhere.
Once you have downloaded, installed and signed into the app, you will then be prompted to “Search for events.” Type in “Gladstone Camp Meeting 2021.”
If you need help downloading and installing the app, watch this explanation video: You can skip to 0:45 seconds into the video if you have already clicked the ownload the camp meeting applink above.
Web version of app. Just click this one link. You will need to sign into the camp meeting app. It just ask for an email and then create a password. View the videos a little bigger than on a phone, the chat feature is open all the time to the right of the video, chat with a moderator and others as you watch, look throughout the app as the video is playing in the corner.
Catch content on our Facebook page via Facebook Live. @OregonAdventists.
It's All About Jesus – SHARING Jesus with others. Enthusiastically connecting others in a relationship with Jesus.
The 2021 Gladstone Camp Meeting app is now available.
Gladstone Camp Meeting 2021 will be virtual! The COVID-19 pandemic has raised all kinds of questions about when large groups will be able to meet, or even whether people will be ready for that. In spite of the uncertainty, the spiritual food and camaraderie, the tradition of camp meeting is still important.
So while we won’t be meeting in person at Gladstone, we’re already planning an interactive online experience that will encourage and connect us. What does Virtual mean? Programming will be accessible from your desktop, your tablet, or your cell phone. Churches can even host viewing parties! It all is still happening in July, with programming for all ages, including John Bradshaw as our featured speaker!
We hope you'll plan to join us for a new way of doing camp meeting. Watch our website, Facebook and publications for more details as we get closer to Gladstone Virtual Camp Meeting 2021.
It's All About Jesus – SHARING Jesus with others. Enthusiastically connecting others in a relationship with Jesus.
Click on the church name to see the details in the camp meeting web app. You will need to sign into the camp meeting app. It just ask for an email and then create a password.
> Adventist Community Church - 9711 NE St. Johns Road, Vancouver, WA 98665
> Albany Adventist Church - 3085 Grand Prairie Rd, SE Albany, OR 97322
> Astoria Adventist Church - 300 Nehalem Ave., Astoria, OR 97103
> Beaverton Adventist Church - 14645 SW Davis Rd., Beaverton OR 97007
> Bend Adventist Church - 21610 Butler Market Rd., Bend, OR 97702
> Cascade Adventist Church - 60670 Brookswood Blvd, Bend, OR 97702
> Castle Rock Adventist Church - 7531 Old Pacific Hwy N., Castle Rock, WA 98606
> Cathlamet Adventist Church - 3 Fernhill Rd., Cathlamet, WA 98612
> Cedar Creek Adventist Church - 11111 NE Cedar Creek Rd, Wooland, WA 98629
> Coos Bay Adventist Church - 2175 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay, OR 97420
> Dallas Adventist Church - 589 SW Birch St., Dallas, OR 97338
> East Salem Adventist Church - 5575 Fruitland Rd. NE, Salem, OR 97317
> Falls City Adventist Church - 205 N Main St., Falls City, OR 97344
> Gladstone Park Adventist Church - 8378 Cason Rd. Gladstone, OR 97027
> Hillsboro Spanish Adventist Church - 1165 SE Walnut St., Hillsboro, OR 97123
> Hockinson Heights Adventist Church - 21109 NE 150th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606
> Journey Adventist Church - 77 Solomon Rd., Kelso, WA 98626
> Lebanon Adventist Church - 690 S. 10th St., Lebanon, OR 97355
> Lents Adventist Church - 8835 SE Woodstock, Portland, OR 97266
> Long Beach Adventist Church - 2707 Pacific Ave. N., Long Beach, WA 98631
> McMinnville Adventist Church - 1500 SW Old Sheridan Rd., McMinnville, OR 97128
> Meadow Glade Adventist Church - 11001 NE 189th Street, Battle Ground, WA 98604
> Medford Adventist Church - 1900 Greenwood St., Medford, OR 97504
> Mt. Tabor Adventist Church - 1001 SE 60th Ave., Portland, OR 97215
> Orchards Adventist Church - 6415 NE 102nd Ave., Battle Ground, WA 98662
> Riverside Adventist Church - 463 N Shepherd Rd., Washougal, WA, 98671
> Rockwood Adventist Church - 1910 SE 182nd Ave., Portland, OR 97233
> Salem Central Adventist Church - 1330 Summer St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
> Scappoose - Vernonia Adventist Churches - They will be meeting at a camp ground - 15994 Keasy Rd., Vernonia, OR 97064
> Stevenson Adventist Church - 41 NW 2dne St., Stevenson, WA 98648
> Sunnyside Adventist Church - 10501 SE Market St., Portland, OR 97216
> Sutherlin Adventist Church - 841 West Central Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479
> Valley View Adventist Church - 3677 S Stage Rd., Medford, OR 97501
> Village Adventist Church - 4501 Powell Blvd., Gresham, OR 97030
> Whipple Creek Adventist Church - 302 NW 179th St., Ridgefield, WA 98642
> White Salmon Adventist Church - 509 NE Tohomish St., White Salmon, WA 98672
SHARING Jesus with others.
** Online Reservations are not Available Until Further Notice
Q: What does a virtual camp meeting mean for campers?
Q: What are my options for my 2021 reservation?
Q: What do I do if I want to have my 2021 reservation rolled over to 2022 Camp Meeting?
Q: What are my reimbursement options if I choose to cancel my reservation for a full refund?
Q: What do I need to do for either refund option?
When your refund is completed, we will email or mail a receipt to you showing your reservation was canceled and refunded.
We will not automatically roll over your reservation. We need to hear from each of you now as to your preference in handling your reservation. If we have not heard from you by June 4, 2021, your reservation will be canceled and refunded to the credit card that was used or a refund check will be mailed to the address we have on file.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Email is the preferred method but you are welcome to leave a message at the office and your call will be returned, 503-850-3350.
Watch the kids programs and the full adult programs of camp meeting on YouTube or watch the edited adult events on Vimeo.
Listen and download the sermons and seminars on our Podcast page or on Spreaker. You can also listen on Spotify, or Apple Podcasts. Just search for Oregon Adventist.
You can view Pathfinder events on the Oregon Conference calendar. Use the filter option and choose "Pathfinders."
View updated sections of the Oregon Pathfinder Handbook below in PDF format. In the lower left corner of each page you will find the revision date. Compare it to your handbook to verify you have the most up-to-date file.
A four-year course designed to include all aspects of Pathfinder club management, programming, operations, and encourage teens to explore and develop their talents in leadership, planning and social skills. Visit the TLT website
The program gives the TLT an opportunity to experience Pathfinder leadership under adult supervision. There are six major areas the program concentrates on for training. These include: Administrative, Finance/Clerical, Camping/ Activities, Outreach, Counseling and AY Classwork Levels/Honors. Within each of these operations are several service areas that must be completed. Some clubs, due to size or location, will not require completion of all items under each section.
The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is designed to address adolescent developmental needs and promote leadership skills, enabling and empowering teens to become full partners in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with Pathfinder adult leadership in a “shared service experience” of the Pathfinder ministry in the North American Division.
“Loving the Lord Jesus Christ, I promise to take an active part in the work of the Teen Leadership Training program, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world.”