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The four elected executive officers are president, executive secretary (VP for Administration), treasurer (VP for Finance), and superintendent of schools (VP for Education). The administrative team also includes an assistant to the president.

The team exists to serve the needs of the Oregon Conference constituency in various ways:

  • Leading the mission, vision and strategic plan of the Oregon Conference.
  • Insuring the accuracy of all records pertaining to the church
  • Strategically developing the next generation of church leaders
  • Guiding the pastoral placement process in all Oregon Conference churches
  • Stewarding the appropriate use of tithe and non-tithe funds
  • Growing the impact of Adventist Christian education

Through their service, administration seeks to empower leaders throughout the conference to fulfill their ministry potential in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in their own territories.

Meet the Administrative Team

Dan Linrud photo

John McVay



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Learn more about John                                       

Dr. John McVay has served as President of Walla Walla University (College Place, Wash.), Dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University (Berrien Springs, Mich.), professor of religion at Pacific Union College (Angwin, Calif.) and as a pastor in Iowa, Georgia, and California. John holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from England’s Sheffield University and authored the 2023 Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide and companion book on Ephesians and the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on Ephesians.

John is passionate about the risen, exalted, and returning Jesus as the answer to life’s pressing issues. Born in Oregon to a pastor’s family and roaming the Gladstone Campground as a youngster, John is especially invested in the success of the Adventist message about Jesus in the Pacific Northwest.

John’s family includes his wife, Pam, children, Marshall McVay and Macy Weir, and four young grandchildren.    

David Schwinghammer photo

Kara Johnsson



View information on Oregon Conference membership and record keeping

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Learn more about Kara                                        

Dr. Kara Johnsson has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in various roles over the past 20 years, including teaching, chaplaincy, and pastoral ministry. She holds degrees in both education and theology, and a doctorate in leadership from George Fox University.

Born in Australia, Kara was raised in a family committed to serving God wherever He called. Her childhood included many years in Papua New Guinea where her parents served as missionaries. She grew up with a strong sense of God’s calling on her life, and an appreciation for diverse cultures.  

A lover of God and people, Kara is passionate about building communities who experience God’s Kingdom now: sharing life together and being a blessing in the wider community. She is married to Dr. Terry Johnsson and they love the adventure of a life journeyed with God.

Gale Crosby photo

Eric Davis



Learn more about Stewardship and Treasury

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Learn more about Eric                                         

Eric has devoted his entire professional career to serving the Lord and doing His work. Formerly the association treasurer of the Oregon Conference, associate treasurer for the Washington Conference and a General Conference auditor, he has developed a wide breadth of experience dealing with business-related matters in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In 2023, Eric gladly accepted the Oregon Conference’s call to become Vice President for Finance.

Eric is also a complete product of Adventist education, from kindergarten through post-graduate studies. He received a Batchelor’s degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Financial Management from Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. He is also a certified public accountant (licensed, not currently practicing). In his spare time, Eric enjoys spending time with his wife, Ashley and son, Theo. He also enjoys playing bluegrass music and road cycling.

Gale Crosby photo

Jonathan Russell



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Learn more about Jonathan                          

Pastor Jonathan Russell believes that stories bring people together. That's why he loves telling the stories of God's leading in the lives of Oregon Conference members. He has the privilege of working with our Oregon Conference churches to place pastors that will provide care and minister to our local members. He also works with the conference communication team to enhance the ministry of local churches by providing timely, meaningful communication that inspires people and supports local ministry.

Before serving at the Oregon Conference, Pastor Jonathan served as a pastor in Oregon for over a decade.

He currently lives in Vancouver with his wife Jaclyn, three children, and a collection of family pets. When they're not serving a church community, they can be found reading books together, appreciating good music, playing in the yard or exploring the great Pacific Northwest.

Meet the Administrative Support Staff

Contact Administration at (503) 850-3500

Kathryn Polk

Executive Assistant

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Oregon Conference Membership

resources FOR

Church Clerks

Church clerks in the Oregon Conference can access their church membership records using the eAdventist website.

They can also have the ability to update their church's organization information—which is displayed on our Find a Church section—as well as their member and nonmember records. Visit the eAdventist website.

Basic Church Clerk Duties (all files are PDFs)
Hand writing in not book
resources FOR

Church Secretaries

Church secretaries in the Oregon Conference can have access to their church membership records using the eAdventist website.

They can also have the ability to update their church's organization information—which is displayed on our Find a Church page—as well as their member and nonmember records. Visit the links below to learn more. Visit the eAdventist website

Membership Basics (PDF)
Member/Non-member Records (PDF)

Lady at desk
resources for


Pastors in the Oregon Conference receive church and membership information from their church's clerk and/or secretary.

However, they can also have access to their church membership records using the eAdventist website which allows them to view and print reports for their congregation(s), enter weekly attendance for Sabbath School and Worship Services, etc.

Membership Basics (PDF)
Member/Non-member Records (PDF)

Pastor with Bible