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Oregon Conference Welcomes Pastor Rick Jordan as Associate Ministerial Director

Oregon Conference Welcomes Pastor Rick Jordan as Associate Ministerial Director

Throughout the past year, the Oregon Conference administration has listened attentively and carefully to our pastors and members regarding the challenges and needs in our field. While many needs have been expressed, especially noted was the need for additional support and development for our beloved pastors. The Conference administration explored options for accomplishing this and the Oregon Conference Executive Committee recently voted to appoint Elder Rick Jordan to be Oregon Conference Associate Ministerial Director. This has been accomplished with no additional expense to the Conference budget at this time. 
Ministerial director Chuck Burkeen clarifies the need, “These past several months have been extremely stressful for pastors and church leaders as we’ve tried to navigate a pandemic situation for which none of us have ever prepared.  With the addition of Elder Rick Jordan to our Ministerial team, we will be able to provide more support to our pastoral staff as we negotiate the steps toward reopening our churches and re-engaging our communities. I look forward to partnering with Rick in the ministry of the Oregon Conference.” 

Pastor Rick has served as an effective pastor and leader, with over 25 years in pastoral ministry, much of it in the Pacific Northwest (Washington & Alaska Conferences). He has significant experience in public speaking, organizing evangelistic outreach and leading church ministries. More recently, Pastor Rick has served for five years as Vice President of Ministerial for the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In this role, Pastor Rick has been highly regarded and appreciated by the pastors and leaders of that field. “I’ve had the privilege of working with pastors to provide coaching, encouragement, support and personal and professional development,” writes Pastor Rick. “My hope is to serve pastors in Oregon in the same way. My wife Beth and I have our roots in the northwest, so Oregon is like coming home. I have fond memories of attending camp meeting at Gladstone and am looking forward to continuing that tradition.”  

Oregon Conference President Dan Linrud says, “We are excited that the Lord has clearly led for Pastor Rick Jordan to come home to the northwest and his family, and join the Oregon Conference ministry family, serving our great pastors and field. I am confident our pastors and field will be greatly blessed by his leadership and service.” 
Pastor Rick’s projected arrival is July 15, 2021. We warmly welcome Rick and Beth to the Oregon Conference family. 

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