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Tom Evans Accepts Position as Oregon Conference Outreach Ministries Director

Tom Evans Accepts Position as Oregon Conference Outreach Ministries Director

On Tuesday June 4, the Oregon Conference Executive Committee “unanimously and enthusiastically” voted to invite Dr. Tom Evans to become the next Outreach Ministries Director of the Oregon Conference. He enthusiastically accepted the role and will begin his duties in Oregon August 1.

Tom joins us from the North New South Wales Conference in Australia where he has served as President since 2017. Before that, he was the Associate Director at the North American Division Evangelism Institute for six years. He brings a wealth of experience in church planting, outreach and evangelism, coaching and church health. “I believe the most effective church growth strategy is ‘word of mouth,’” Tom notes, “Jesus speaks of this reality in Luke 6:45, ‘For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.’ Passion for Jesus must overflow in order to be contagious. When we are contagious as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, the church grows.”

           “We are very excited to welcome Tom Evans to our Oregon Conference team!” states President Dan Linrud. “For the past twenty years Tom has been a foremost leader working with pastors and members in church revitalization, evangelism and church planting, among many other things. We feel blessed that God has orchestrated bringing someone of Tom’s passion, skills and broad experience to our field.”

Tom and his wife Mara, as well as their two boys, Lukas (age 15) and Andre (age 13) are excited to be joining the Oregon Conference family. Together, they enjoy hospitality, often opening their home to new friends who especially enjoy Mara’s Brazilian food. Tom also makes vegan banana/carob waffles that have become very popular in their current home church. Lukas enjoys basketball, while Andre enjoys snowboarding.

For Tom, coming to Oregon is a homecoming of sorts. It was at Gladstone Campmeeting that Tom first made a decision to be baptized at the age of 10.

He is a graduate of Walla Walla University as well as Andrews University (twice!),with a Doctor of Ministry degree focused on evangelism and church growth. “My passion,” Tom adds, “is to equip pastors, church leaders and members to fulfill the Great Commission in their context.”

Together, we look forward to his ministry here in Oregon. President Linrud concludes, “We anticipate God doing significant things through the new partnership that Tom will have working with our churches, schools and other ministries to become even more effective in serving and sharing Jesus with others.”

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