
Adventurer Club logo
A Bible based, family friendly kid's program with a central focus on the love of Jesus.
Child playing in sand
yes! we are


The Adventurer Club gives children a foundation of valuable life skills that promote spiritual, physical, intellectual and social growth. Children enjoy a variety of activities teaching them about nature, the Bible, arts and crafts, recreation, and life skills such as money management, cooking, outreach and service.

Adventurers are children from preschool age through fourth grade. The Adventurer program is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist church, but is open to all children and their families who are looking for positive Christian guidance for their little ones.

The Adventurer Club presently consists of six class levels. After graduating from Adventurers, many children grades 5-8 join a Pathfinder Club. Adventurers and Pathfinders can be found world-wide with a membership of more than 2.5 million boys and girls.

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Adventurer club forms

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Everything You Need

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Starting a Club

Learn about how to start an Adventurer Club (PDF) at your church

Adventurer Awards Icon
Awards, Stars & Chips

NAD Adventurers provides in depth information on Adventurer awards, Eager Beaver chips and Little Lamb stars designed to be used in connection with each individual curriculum. Adventurers Wiki also has good information.

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Bible Experience

View the 2023 Adventurer Bible Experience manual detailing registration, the process and this year's Bible sections. Available in English or Spanish.

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Curriculum Requirements

View curriculums for: Little Lambs, Eager Beaver, Busy Bee, Sunbeam, Builder, Helping Hand

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Pinterest Adventurer Site

Visit the Adventurer Pinterest site for ideas and inspiration for your club

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NAD Adventurer Club

The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist is the official website for Adventurer Ministries for all Adventurer clubs within the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and the Guam-Micronesia Mission

Advent Source icon

AdventSource is the official leadership resource center for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America

Sermons 4 Kids icon
Sermons 4 Kids

The goal of Sermons4Kids is to help those who are in children's ministry or who may work with children in Christian schools or organizations

Danielle's Place icon
Danielle's Place

Danielle's Place website provides DIY, cheap and easy crafts for your children and students

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:12 NRSV

Eager Beavers are kindergarten age children. Little Lambs are pre-school age children. Both programs are part of the Seventh-day Adventist Youth Ministries and under the umbrella of the Adventurer club.

Once children graduate from Adventurers they join Pathfinders. While Little Lambs and Eager Beavers are unique to the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Adventurers and Pathfinders can be found world-wide with a membership of more than 2.5 million boys and girls.

eager beaver and little lambs program

jesus loves me, and I want to do my best for him

Upcoming Events


We are here for you

Our Team

Contact one of our team members at (503) 850-3500

Jackee Duvall

Executive Coodinator

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