children's ministries

Children's Ministries Hand in Hand with Jesus logo
Little person on megaphone


children's Ministries

Sabbath School Resources

You will find lessons, videos, podcasts, craft ideas and more in the Oregon Conference Children's Ministries newsletter each week for all the kids sabbath school programs. View the Newsletter here or get on the mailing list to receive it in your email. Find additional resources in the lists below.

    Find the latest monthly
    craft ideas and worship bulletins
    for your young ones!

    Smiling girl


    The Adventurer program was created to assist parents in their important
    responsibilities as their child’s primary teachers and evangelizers.

    Learn more about the Adventurers Program

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    Lending Vault

    Our Lending Vault Resources is open! Resources are available on Tuesday mornings,  from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM by appointment only. Please telephone or text 503-850-3538 to make an appointment. If this time is impossible for you, please contact us to work out other options.

    Our Lending Vault is a service we provide for churches to help offset costs for event programming. This includes VBS kits, backdrops, stuffed animals and costumes. It is $20 per borrowing trip. We rely on the careful care of those who borrow to return them in a timely manner and follow the care instructions for each item. This is a local service and requires on site pick up and return. If you would like to submit a resources borrow request, please email or click on the button below.

    NOTE: During the month of July, borrowing from our vault is closed due to camp meeting needs. All VBS supplies for July need to be picked up before July 1. Thank you.

    Request Lending Vault Resources

    Additional resources

    Stories for Kids

    Other Resources

    children's camp meeting

    Video archives

    Bouncing Back and Gaining Momentum with Children's Ministries - for leaders

    Amazing African Adventure

    Toddler - Ages Birth - 2 "Noah and the Animals"

    There are one or two changes each day even though the opening and closing are the same.

    Preschool - Ages 3-5 "Jamii Kingdom Watoto Way"

    Elementary - Grades 1-4 "Jamii Kingdome"

    Juniors - Grades 5-6

    view our


    Kids Object Lessons

    Object lessons can be used for a variety of applications!
    Here is a treasure trove of videos that will help you learn ways to explain hard-to-grasp concepts to kids.
    View the videos in the window below or go direct to the showcase of these 50 videos on Vimeo.

    These kids object lesson videos are made possible by Children's Ministry Deals

    General Videos

    Training videos

    Special Needs – Possibility Ministries

    3-part series with Linda Schaffner, NAD presenter

    Upcoming Events


    We are here for you

    Our Team

    Contact one of our team members at (503) 850-3500

    Jana Lee


    Email icon
    Jackee Duvall

    Administrative Assistant

    Mon. & Wed., 8 am to 5 pm, Tues. & Thurs., 9 am to 6 pm

    Email icon
    Monica Smith

    Administrative Assistant

    Tues. & Thurs., 9 am to 2 pm

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