It is the goal and the ongoing vision of the Ministerial Department to equip, encourage, and assist pastors to fulfill their God-given task of completing Christ’s commission in the Oregon Conference. We serve pastors in the following areas:
Whether you are new to ministry or you have been in ministry for awhile, we want you to feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have. We won’t have all the answers, but we will do our best to help you find them. Feel welcome to drop us a line with questions or just to let us know how you are doing.
Most connections with other “Ministry Spouses” occur when we are attending pastor’s meetings. Those connections generally occur 2–3 times a year. In July around Camp Meeting time, we try to have a get together or outing of some sort. In August, when available, we go as families to Big Lake Pastor’s Camp where there is fun for all. Then in September, there is the Fall Pastor’s Retreat where spouses are invited to come along and attend the meetings. We try to have a get together for the spouses there. We encourage you to come and build friendships at these times and make memories that will last for life. We apologize that we are not able to provide childcare for these events.
We want to encourage you to visit the library at the conference office with a vast array of books and programs you can read/use for personal growth or to help the growth in your district. We also encourage you to get to know the other ministry spouses in your area by calling, emailing and planning lunch get-together's and outings. The OC directory can help you with contact information. Friendships await and there are memories to be made.
Connect with us on Facebook at Oregon Conference Ministerial Spouses. This is a closed group and is for Oregon Conference Ministerial Spouses only. We want to provide a safe place to discuss. We look forward to connecting with you and getting to know you better. Questions? 503-850-3560
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