As we enter the final month of crowdfunding for Camp Meeting 2025, our latest financial reports show that we have raised just over $118,000 of our $390,000 goal! These final weeks are a crucial time for us to come together and ensure that this event will be possible this year. As Oregon Conference VP for Education, Ron Jacaban, shares in the video below, " We often look at big achievements - a successful business, a major scientific breakthrough, or a movement that changes the world - and think they happen because of a few extraordinary individuals. But the truth is, big things happen because of the small, consistent contributions of many people."
"Think about a puzzle. Each piece on its own may not seem significant, but together they create a complete picture! The same applies to us. No matter who you are or what role you play, your actions, no matter how small, contribute to something greater. Camp Meeting 2025 is a huge project, and each of us can contribute in our own ways. Whether it's financially, or volunteering, or spreading the news in your own community and inviting your neighbors, we can come together to make this project great!"
Thanks to a generous gift, each dollar given right now will be doubled, up to $150,000! Make your dollars go farther and help our members, young and old, make special memories at this year's camp meeting by giving today! Our deadline is March 31! Give online right now through or write "Gladstone Camp Meeting" on your tithe envelope.