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Club Ministries Leaders Gather for Convention

Club Ministries Leaders Gather for Convention

During the second weekend of August, children & youth leaders from around the Oregon Conference gathered in Gladstone for the annual Club Ministries Leadership Convention. This year’s convention brought together leaders from both Pathfinder and Adventurer ministries. More than 30 presenters gave 40 different classes, covering a wide range of topics. Classes offered included, Creativity & Resource Development, Intro to Discipline, Leading a Child to Christ, Intro to Leadership Skills, Teaching Christian Value, Teaching & Learning Styles, Club Organization, CPR & First Aid––just to name a few. Various local church leaders participated in the training including club directors, counselors, instructors, and support staff. Most of the classes offered are part of the Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) and Master Guide curriculum. These workshops are designed to develop the skills required to be an effective club leader. Participants learn leadership skills, how to minister to children and youth, the process of building a team and much more. This year over 120 individuals signed up and participated in these trainings!

In addition to club ministry leaders, more than 30 Teen Leaders in Training (TLTs) joined us for the weekend where our TLT coordinator, Rachel Scribner, organized various workshops that are part of their ongoing curriculum, training, and mentorship. Six different instructors along with the TLT mentors supported and led these young people through the weekend.

Overall, there were many great presentations, but one of the highlights for the weekend was Sabbath morning keynote speaker, Pastor Gary Parks, who shared a practical message titled, ‘Understanding Different Brain Styles’. This presentation aided in equipping the audience in helping them to resolve conflict, and to communicate effectively. Such great takeaways!

We pray and hope that the weekend was a blessing to all who attended and that the presentations and conversations will continue to encourage and have an impact on our leaders throughout the year as they minister to our children, families, and youth. Please say a special prayer for all those who have committed to ministering to our young people. It’s not an easy task, but we are glad there are those who have taken on this great responsibility.

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