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Oregon Conference Public Statement on School Safety

Oregon Conference Public Statement on School Safety

Our hearts are heavy as we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the two young victims of the tragic shooting that occurred yesterday at Feather River Adventist School in California. We are keeping the Feather River community in prayer in the wake of this senseless act of violence.

The Oregon Conference Department of Education oversees 32 schools and early learning centers.

In light of this tragic event, we want to reassure all our constituents that the safety and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff remain our highest priority. We are rededicating ourselves to ensuring that our schools are safe havens where learning and growth can flourish without fear.

As part of our ongoing commitment to school safety, our schools regularly practice several critical measures:

  • Annual training of all school staff through SafeSchools: We ensure that every member of our school staff participates in comprehensive safety training each year. This training equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively to a variety of emergency situations.
  • Locked campuses during the day: To prevent unauthorized access and ensure the security of our students and staff, our school campuses will continue to remain locked during the day. This measure is crucial in maintaining a controlled and safe environment.
  • Recommended consistent connections with local law enforcement agencies: We maintain regular communication and collaboration with local law enforcement agencies to continually improve our safety protocols. This partnership ensures that we are up-to-date with the best practices and prepared to handle any potential threats to our schools.

In response to this tragedy, we are adding two specific protocols to our safety plans for all campuses:

  • All campus visits with unknown individuals will be scheduled outside of school hours to limit potential contact with students.
  • We are strengthening our commitment to collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, ensuring that all school administrators will interface with local law enforcement at least annually to refine our safety plans.

The Oregon Conference is committed to doing everything in our power to protect our school communities so every student can receive the best Adventist Christian education possible. If there are additional questions about our safety protocols can be directed to our Education Department by calling our office at 503-850-3500.

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