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Women's Ministries Announces New Director

Women's Ministries Announces New Director

Oregon Conference is excited to announce that LuDell Parrett is taking on the role of women’s ministries director, beginning in August. She will carry this role in addition to her role as risk management director. LuDell was hired by the Oregon Conference Executive Committee in October, 2021. The plan was for LuDell to carry both risk management and women’s ministries roles, after taking time to lean into understanding the unique challenges of managing risk for Oregon Conference churches and schools. Since October, the risk management department has reorganized, promoting Wendy Kessler to assistant director. This has created the capacity for LuDell to function in these dual roles.

LuDell is excited for this opportunity. “I thank God for giving me the opportunities to work in risk management and women’s ministries,“ she wrote. “My long career in occupational therapy provides me with a unique perspective on safety and activity analysis which helps me direct risk management.  My heart’s desire to share Jesus in more tangible and mission focused ways is being met in my second role as women’s ministries director. ”

Since 1996, LuDell has volunteered in the area of women’s ministries, helping to plan and execute events like Oregon Women’s Retreat. She has been a long-time elder in the East Salem Adventist Church, but she has recently sensed a more specific call to ministry. “In the past year God has really pulled on my heart to be more involved in some form of ministry,” she wrote. “When I explored what God wanted me to do, I was clearly led to finish my 36 years as an occupational therapist and transition to working for the Conference in two roles where I can do ministry in different ways.”

President Dan Linrud affirms God’s call on LuDell. “Through the years, LuDell Parrett has been a big part of Oregon Conference women’s ministries. It is exciting to see God bring her into this role as director of women’s ministries in addition to being director of risk management. LuDell’s heart for God and others, with a special affinity for ministry to women, means Oregon Conference women will be well served and blessed by her leadership.”

The Conference Women’s Ministries event calendar will launch again in spring 2023, with retreats designed specifically to empower local church women’s ministries leaders. Then in October 2023, LuDell will lead her first Oregon Conference Women’s Retreat as director.

“Please join me in praying,” Ludell wrote, “that God’s Spirit will grow so strong in each of us that Jesus’ amazing love and redemption will be seen in us and shared with our world.”

Welcome to this new role, LuDell!

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