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First Aid at Camp Meeting

First Aid at Camp Meeting

Gladstone Camp Meeting begins this coming Tuesday evening, July 19, and thousands will head to Gladstone over the coming days to experience camp meeting in person for the first time in three years!

Safe, healthy camp meeting goers are always what we strive for, so we talked to Pastor Tim Mayne who will be helping to lead the Gladstone Camp Meeting first aid team this year on what visitors should expect, plan for, and keep in mind.


It's good to be coming back to camp meeting and the spiritual blessings this time brings. Though the spiritual is the main reason we come, it is the gathering together and the sharing in common spaces that makes this time exciting. We believe that along with the spiritual care, we need to care for our physical well-being. So, we’d like to share a few ideas to make your time at camp meeting a physical blessing as well!

COME PREPARED! Have some of the basics to make sure you are safe. Don't worry, they're simple things.

• Good fitting shoes! Tripping and falling and scraped knees is one of the most common calls for the First Aid team.

• Be ready for all kinds of weather. This is Oregon! “Don’t like the weather? Wait a minute!” Have sunscreen (sunburn is common) and a good hat. And an umbrella for both rain and sun. Proper clothing for the current weather helps a lot in physical comfort and care.

• COVID IS STILL AMONG US! Wear a mask, wash your hands, respect people’s space. Do what you need to do to take care of you and those around you.

• If you are taking medications be sure to bring them with you. And if possible, create a “Med List” of all the medications you are taking. Make a couple of copies and have them easily available. First aid givers will find them very valuable. Try a daily/weekly pill caddy with everything in order. This will help you keep track of whether you are on schedule or if you’ve missed or added a dose.

• Write a “Health List” if you have health concerns that might affect your time at camp meeting. Things like; medical history (surgeries, limitations), current concerns (like COPD, diabetes, heart issues, pacemakers, allergies, or other health related matters.) Remember, you are among family, but we don’t always know what you are going through at the moment. A list like this will help those caring for you make sure you get the best care possible.

• Bees are here among us, and we love them. But if you are allergic to them, carry an epi-pen.

• If you have a history of seizure, let the team at First Aid know ahead of time so we can best aid in time of need.

• Mental health is just as important. Come by and talk with someone if you need to.

• Call for help without hesitation! The quicker you call, the quicker we can help or get help on the way. We are never too busy to aid!

• Come to the First Aid station for any health concerns you have or ask and we will come to you.

• Drink more water than you usually do.

• Eat well.

• Get your rest.

• Pray often and praise always.

Have a safe and healthy time at Gladstone! We can't wait to see you again!

––Tim Mayne, Pastor/Firefighter/EMR/Chaplain

Note: The First Aid station can be found in the Security building near the main gate. Enter on the end facing Oatfield Road. You can also flag down a gold-shirt First Aid team member, or ask any of those in staff shirts–red, blue, green, black–if you need immediate help. They will help get First Aid to you.

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