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Gary Parks Announces Retirement from Oregon Conference Ministry

Gary Parks Announces Retirement from Oregon Conference Ministry

Gary Parks has announced to the Oregon Conference team that he will be departing conference ministry in early March 2024, after 38 years in Adventist ministry. “I’ve dedicated my entire ministry to helping people understand how the gospel of Jesus Christ impacts us practically through improving our ability to love well through relational and emotional wholeness,” he shared. “I’m amazed that I have an opportunity to take this ministry passion and serve others in a broader context.”

Gary came to Oregon Conference in 1998 to lead the East Salem Adventist Church. Since then, he has served as a trust officer, before spending the last few years in the Relational Ministries department.

President Dan Linrud, noted, “It’s always exciting to see how the Holy Spirit directs our paths. When it comes to Gary Parks, the Spirit led to the development of the new Relational Ministries department, walking with churches, ministries and members in growing healthy, loving relationships. Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Gary’s ministry has been abundantly fruitful, teaching people how to live this out. It has helped churches to turn around, by addressing ways in which they were previously relationally stuck. I will always be grateful to Gary for pioneering this ministry in the Oregon Conference. He has also served a long and distinguished career in pastoral ministry, both pouring into youth and young adults, as well as being a beloved lead pastor. Shelly and his family have been a huge part of this ministry through the years. All have been immensely blessed by the gifts of music and worship they have shared. Gary will be greatly missed on our conference team and by our field. I will personally miss Gary, as well, as it has been a joy to serve with him. We wish him God’s abundant blessings as he retires from vocational denominational ministry and moves forward into the next things God has called him to.”

Join us in wishing Gary and Shelly God’s blessing as they transition to this new chapter of relational impact.

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