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Medford Welcomes Crowdfunded Pastor

Medford Welcomes Crowdfunded Pastor
In Medford, Oregon, 12-year-old Allie Morse has volunteered to help her church as their new Communications Specialist! Here is an interview she shared with our office recently to introduce Pastor Kenton Gonzalez, who is now serving as an associate pastor at the Medford Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Earlier this year, the Medford Seventh-day Adventist Church came together to crowdfund a pastor’s salary. While currently being led by volunteer interim pastor Dan McCollough, the need for an additional pastor to lead Medford’s large, active youth program couldn’t be ignored. Through donor matching and pledges, the church has committed to a two year associate pastor’s contract. Pastor Kenton Gonzalez, who graduated from Andrews University seminary in 2020 with a Master of Divinity degree, has accepted this contract and was dedicated during the church service on August 10. Recently, Medford Communications Specialist, Allie Morse sat down with Pastor Kenton to get to know him a bit better.

Allie: God calls everyone to minister in some way, but when and how do you feel God called you to be a pastor?

Pastor Kenton: This is a tricky question for me because honestly, I've always wanted to be a pastor! When my friends and other kids my age were dreaming of being firefighters, or astronauts, or zoologists, I knew I wanted to be a pastor. My dad actually tells a story of finding me at three-years -old. I had lined up all of my mom's stuffed animals in a row, and was "preaching" my Sabbath school lesson to them! It's just always been something that I've known God wanted for my life, and so that's what I did!

A: As you are going to be working with the youth, what do you envision for them? How can we as a church support that?

PK: I think the biggest thing about working with youth is getting them involved. And not just involved in easy background tasks; I mean putting them in charge of things! This church is already doing such a great job at that, so I want to continue that and see where I can empower the youth to start to take charge and make this their church.

A: You are a young pastor with a young family. How can young families find connections and ways to serve when life with kids is so busy?

PK: I once got a piece of sage advice when I started pastoring; I was told, "Remember, your family are your first church members." Sometimes we feel this need to give, give, give to those outside our family, because that's what you're supposed to do, right? Help out at church, go to the programs, lead and participate. All good things! Church is there to not only be a blessing to ourselves, but for us to be a blessing to others! That being said, though, I think the most important thing families can do to serve the church is make sure that they're staying connected to God as a family. Family worship, reading and learning together, serving together – it all comes back to the family unit!

A: What are your hobbies or interests?

PK: I like music! Any type of music, except "twangy" country. I also read a lot when I have time. I love reading. It helps when you're married to an English teacher!

A: What do you see as being some of Medford church's strengths, and how can we grow in other areas?

PK: Since coming to the Medford valley, I've noticed that Medford church in particular is very giving. Financially, of course, but also of their time and person! I also love how the church is so friendly; there really is an atmosphere of love and acceptance when you walk through the doors of the church.

A: What songs do you like to listen to on Sabbath mornings as you get ready for church?

PK: I don't have any particular songs that I listen to, but I really connect with a lot of the songs and Christian bands I grew up with in high school like Switchfoot, Casting Crowns, and Jars of Clay. (I'm old, okay!)

A: What are your three top favorite foods?

PK: In no particular order: french fries, Eggo frozen waffles, and mango.

A: You and your wife Kayla met at Walla Walla University. How did you meet and what things do you like to do together?

PK: Well, we just celebrated eight years of being married on August 7! It's not a particularly long story, but suffice it to say we were both in the honors program at Walla Walla University (I clawed and scraped my way in, and Kayla was invited). She was funny and lively and smart, and I was goofy and didn't have a car, so anytime I needed to run to Walmart (or really anywhere in Walla Walla) I'd call her up. One thing led to another, and we got married here in the Applegate Valley two months after graduating with our bachelor’s degrees! Some things we like to do together are cooking, going on walks, and going to plays!  And the rest, as they say, is history.

Medford Adventist is so grateful for Pastor Kenton and Kayla’s ministry, and for God’s goodness in providing them with a pastor.

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