As a part of the ongoing effort to re-organize the Oregon Conference office team for more efficient strategic impact, the Executive Committee has voted several changes to office ministry assignments.
Beyond impact for our local congregations, each transition below means the stress of change for each leader and their family as they move into new chapters of ministry. Together, let’s hold up each of these leaders and their families as God leads and guides their next steps.
Church Ministries Department
Our new Church Ministries department will have two co-directors and Jason Calvert has been appointed as one of them. Coming from the Youth Ministry department, his focus on “engagement culture” has helped develop and resource local youth leaders to succeed in their own churches. Jason is an effective connector, networker, and innovator.
Jana Lee has been appointed the other co-director of Church Ministries. She comes from the former Family & Children’s Ministries department where she utilized a church cohort model to resource local leaders for effective intergenerational ministry with particular focus on children and families. Jana brings a wealth of experience in supporting churches.
Trust Services Department
Rick Jordan has been appointed as associate director for Trust Services. Rick brings immense administrative experience to a department that needs additional support with the departure of Andre Scalfani, who has departed the office to pastor the Albany & Sweet Home churches.
Ministerial & Evangelism Department
Nate Hellman has been appointed as director for Ministerial & Evangelism. This department will focus on supporting and developing emotionally healthy, high-functioning pastors. Nate will bring his focus on pastor well-being and discipleship to this new role.
Benjamin Lundquist has been appointed as associate director for Ministerial & Evangelism. Benjamin transitions from his role as Young Adult department director where he has created processes for mentoring, coaching, and leadership development over the past eight years. Now his focus transitions toward implementing the department’s strategic vision of effectively supporting healthy pastors.
Other Transitions
Downsizing and consolidating departments have resulted in the need to say goodbye to some excellent and beloved ministry leaders. Our Club Ministries (Pathfinders and Adventurers), Community Engagement, and Women’s Ministries departments have been consolidated into Church Ministries. This means we will regretfully be bidding farewell to Dauncey, Daniel Ortega, and LuDell Parrett as members of the Oregon Conference office team by the end of the year.
In coming days, please continue to keep our pastors, ministry leaders, and all those affected by these transitions in your prayers, and we thank you for the encouragement and patience so many have shared as we navigate these incredibly difficult times.