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Pastor Dale Cardwell Ordained in Special Service Held at InsideOut Ministries

Pastor Dale Cardwell Ordained in  Special Service Held at InsideOut Ministries

On February 8, Pastor Dale Cardwell was ordained to gospel ministry at InsideOut Ministries in Salem. Dale was successful in the furniture industry before God called him into full-time ministry in Salem, over a decade ago. Since then Dale, along with his wife Simona, have faithfully loved and cared for God's people in Mill City and at InsideOut. Sabbath began with a worship service of testimony, baptism, and anointing as people proclaimed the goodness and love of God. In the afternoon, the group reconvened to celebrate God's call on Dale and Simona, and proclaim a blessing over them and the communities they lead. Dan Linrud inspired all present to be faithful to the call of God in their lives. Then Dave Schwinghammer led all who were present to gather and lay hands on Dale and Simona as they prayed together for God's abundant blessing.

Today, we're thankful for Dale. And we're thankful for all of our Oregon Conference pastors who faithfully care for God's people and carry the gospel of Jesus throughout this Oregon Conference.

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