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Randy Hill Announces Transition to Pacific Union Conference Role

Randy Hill Announces Transition to Pacific Union Conference Role

Oregon Conference Assistant to the President, Randy Hill, announced Friday that he has been elected as Vice President for Youth in the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This appointment comes after 18 years of ministry in Oregon as pastor, associate director for youth ministries, and assistant to the president.

He explained the call this way: “God placed a burden on my heart for youth ministry while I was in academy. Over the years I’ve been blessed to have many people that have patiently worked with me as I’ve sought to be useful in ministry. I’m so grateful for their investment in me. I’ve been blessed with people that have recognized gifts in me I didn’t see and by His Spirit called me to use them. The opportunity to step back into youth ministry and use my training and experience to aid youth in connecting with Christ is a challenge I look forward helping facilitate. While I’ll deeply miss my Oregon Conference family, I’m excited to follow this call of God on my heart.”

Hill is beloved in Oregon for his deep care for people, attention to detail, and can-do attitude. In addition to his responsibilities in pastoral placement, he has been the Gladstone Camp Meeting administrative coordinator in 2022 and 2023. He’ll be remembered in Oregon as the campground coordinator that helped bring “Hope Valley” to life at the height of the wildfire crisis of 2020.

His transition to the Pacific Union will come in August, giving Hill time to finish the camp meeting event this summer, as well as wrap up a few other Oregon Conference details.

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