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Update on the Search for Oregon Conference President

Update on the Search for Oregon Conference President

The search for Oregon Conference president is ongoing, facilitated by the North Pacific Union Conference under the chairmanship of Elder John Freeman, NPUC president.

The search began in June with an open online survey of members and church leaders. Over 500 people submitted surveys to help guide the process. In addition to providing input on Conference priorities and the characteristics desired in a future president, the surveys suggested over 170 names to be considered in the process.

From there the search committee, comprised of all Oregon Conference executive committee and constituency nominating committee members, received the feedback from membership and processed it into a candidate profile. Meeting consistently via Zoom, the committee has processed the list of candidates down to a short list.

In his original communication to church leaders in June, Elder Freedman communicated that his goal, by God’s grace, was to see a new president elected by September of this year. As the process continues to unfold, the committee is hopeful to conclude its work close to that original timeline.

The search for a VP for finance is on hold, awaiting the conclusion of the president search.

Please continue to keep the Oregon Conference selection committee and the remainder of the search process in prayer as they continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this significant decision.

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