Dick Duerksen
August 4, 2022
The Impact Your Health Portland clinics have always been miracle magnets, and the July 8 & 10, 2022 clinic was no exception. Nearly 350 volunteers registered for the event and worked to provide care for 154 patients on Friday and 194 more on Sunday.
Dick Duerksen
May 26, 2022
In May, over a hundred volunteers came together to help meet needs and connect with the residents of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon.
Dick Duerksen
May 6, 2022
Stan and Gloria Beerman announced their retirements earlier this year, to the dismay of so many of us who work with them. This is the second article, the longer of two you will find here in the Newsroom about Gloria, because frankly, we couldn’t fit it all into one piece!
Dick Duerksen
May 6, 2022
Stan and Gloria Beerman announced their retirements earlier this year, to the dismay of so many of us who work with them! This is the first article, the shorter of two you will find here in the Newsroom about Gloria, because frankly, we couldn’t fit it all into one piece!
Dick Duerksen
April 21, 2022
Pastor Bill Mayne of the Lincoln City and Nestucca Seventh-day Adventist churches was invited to be the speaker for this year’s Interfaith Association Easter Sunrise Service in Lincoln City.