Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Camp Meeting so far. In January, members contributed over $18,000 to the Camp Meeting fund. Including matching funds, we’ve raised $97,300 toward our goal of $390,000.
Rogue Valley Adventist Academy recently received the gift of snow removal thanks to an unlikely connection and community spirit.
By carefully staging deliveries of public safety and sanitation resources like radios, golf carts, port-a-potties and trash cans to arrive “just in time,” we’re able to reduce the cost by a small amount. By adjusting programming plans to reduce our dependence on rented meeting tents, we reduced additional cost.
In 2023, the Oregon Conference communication team launched Bridges Over Walls, a podcast featuring conversations about the relational breakdowns Christians often cause and how we can address them. Now the conversation continues with season two.
Earlier this month, the staff at Big Lake Youth Camp received word that a generous donor will be giving Big Lake a much-needed upgrade to its backup power system in the form of a nearly new propane generator!
With a history that is nearly 125 years in the making, Columbia Academy (now Columbia Adventist Academy) began in 1903. Music has played an integral part of that history.
Late last year, the Oregon Conference announced a goal of raising $450,000 to fund Gladstone Camp Meeting in 2025. By the end of December, we have been blessed to receive just over $60,000 donated toward camp meeting.
In September, the Medford Adventist Church celebrated a milestone in its ministry with the release of its first praise and worship album, "All Voices, Vol 1". This heart-felt and self-produced album, recorded live during church services under the "Medford SDA Worship" label, is a gift to the congregation and beyond.
After Cascade Adventist Church near Bend, Oregon hosted their first-ever VBS this last summer, the idea for a winter-time VBS reunion was born.
As the Oregon Conference enters a brand-new year, Dr. John McVay has already begun serving as our new conference president. Kaleb Eisele, OC writer and social media manager, spent some time with Dr. McVay discussing his first week, his ties to ministry in the area, and some of the challenges and opportunities we can look forward to facing together.