Each year Union-level Pathfinder Bible Experience and the Pathfinder Area Coordinators Convention rotates between conferences in our union, and this year the Oregon Conference had the honor of hosting our fellow Pathfinder communities!
This March, more than 100 elders and pastors undertook a weekend of training and growth together at the first of two spring Elders Training events which included preaching workshops, leadership training, roundtable discussions and planning activities, and much more.
In 2024 the communication and media teams for Oregon, Washington, and North Pacific Union embarked on a journey to connect a growing community of digital creators in the Pacific Northwest and beyond through Creators Lab. This year, they continued that journey in Tacoma, Washington!
After years of experience, including meeting specific leadership benchmarks, receiving an assessment of their leaders, and going through a personal review with Conference leaders, a pastor’s journey culminates with ordination or commissioning. The Oregon Conference has recently seen five pastors affirmed through ordination to gospel ministry.
As we enter the final month of crowdfunding for Camp Meeting 2025, our latest financial reports show that we have raised just over $118,000 of our $390,000 goal! These final weeks are a crucial time for us to come together and ensure that this event will be possible this year.
This week, Oregon Conference Treasurer Eric Davis, shared his thoughts on camp meeting and camp meeting fundraising in the new pavilion.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Camp Meeting so far. In January, members contributed over $18,000 to the Camp Meeting fund. Including matching funds, we’ve raised $97,300 toward our goal of $390,000.
Rogue Valley Adventist Academy recently received the gift of snow removal thanks to an unlikely connection and community spirit.
By carefully staging deliveries of public safety and sanitation resources like radios, golf carts, port-a-potties and trash cans to arrive “just in time,” we’re able to reduce the cost by a small amount. By adjusting programming plans to reduce our dependence on rented meeting tents, we reduced additional cost.
In 2023, the Oregon Conference communication team launched Bridges Over Walls, a podcast featuring conversations about the relational breakdowns Christians often cause and how we can address them. Now the conversation continues with season two.