Dick Duerksen
January 14, 2022
"We are not willing to have a defeatist mentality because of Covid. Instead, we’re focusing on the most challenging issues, showing how the Bible has good practical answers, and providing opportunities for members to share God’s love together, regardless of Covid!”
Dick Duerksen
January 14, 2022
After more than 15 years of helping lead Communication in the Oregon Conference, Gary McLain announced last August that he was starting a new adventure. Just how much did Gary do? We're still learning that! Here's a glimpse into the difference Gary made in the Oregon Conference, and beyond.
Dick Duerksen
December 22, 2021
The stable cave was smelly, like a hot barn should be on a cold night. A few Roman horses were stabled in the darkest corner, far away from the mangy animals owned by the locals. Reuben, a local who the centurion had charged with caring for the steeds, stood as the two soldiers approached.
Dick Duerksen
December 22, 2021
It’s frustrating to be known not for what I do, but for what my wife does. In fact, I doubt most people know anything about my work. I'm just the husband of the midwife.
Dick Duerksen
December 22, 2021
My job is to talk with God. I describe what I see happening in the lives of His Bethlehem family and ask what I should be doing to help the people love Him more. Then I listen for His answers. Today was the first time I heard His voice.