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February Camp Meeting Fundraising Update

February Camp Meeting Fundraising Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Camp Meeting so far. In January, members contributed over $18,000 to the Camp Meeting fund. Including matching funds, we’ve raised $97,300 toward our goal of $390,000. Yes, there’s more work to do to reach our goal. Yet God has been faithful to see our community through so far, and He can do it again. Let’s press together to see how God can work through us to bless and encourage the community.

Some have asked, “Why do we have to raise money by the end of March when the event is so much later?” The short answer: Planning. To do our best to make sure Gladstone Campground is safe and welcoming for all attendees, March is the time when we lock in service contracts and finalize plans for the thousands of hours of labor required to make sure the campus and programming are ready. By the end of March, it’s important for all of us to definitively answer the question that so many have asked: “Are we doing camp meeting this year?” By God’s grace, let’s work together to answer with a resounding, “Yes!”

In the Adventist Church, the conference only receives offering reports once monthly (around the 15th). The next regular update on our progress toward the goal will be around March 15.

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