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Great Reset Starts Across Oregon Conference

Great Reset Starts Across Oregon Conference

Last Friday, nearly 30 churches around the Oregon Conference launched a month-long initiative aimed at sharing the gospel with their communities.

Led by the evangelistic team at It Is Written, churches large and small have worked to send out flyers, connect with neighbors, and welcome guests to their churches. Last weekend, around 500 guests attended the meetings.

Adventist Community Church of Vancouver, Salem Central, Sunnyside and Cascade are hosting live speakers, while other participating churches are live streaming the program from Sunnyside in Portland where John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers are speaking.

In Vancouver, the youth and young adults are leading the program. Managing the greeting, sound, lights, audio, recording, music, and more.

Tim* and Jenny* learned about Adventists when Tim ended up checking in at Adventist Health Portland. After learning how important health is in the Adventist message they decided to visit a local Adventist church where they learned about veganism and healthy living habits. Tim has been making lifestyle changes since and has found a much healthier, happier path in life. They usually attend another Portland-area church, but when they got the flyer in the mail and saw the event was happening at an Adventist church they decided to attend and have been attending each evening since.

The Great Reset will continue through March 5, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. If you'd like to attend or would like to be able to share it with a friend you can learn more at
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*names have been changed

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