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It Is Written Initiative Update

It Is Written Initiative Update

March 5 was the final day of It Is Written’s Revelation Today: The Great Reset initiative here in the Oregon Conference. This journey has involved, equipped, empowered, and trained over 30 of our churches in sharing Jesus with others. More than 2,000 opportunities for kingdom connections with the community have emerged and are continuing to be nurtured, and more than 100 individuals have already decided to be baptized! On March 5, 10 of these individuals were baptized at the Sunnyside Adventist Church, and one joined by profession of faith. One of these new members is Barbara Wiedle, who Tim Taylor, Oregon Conference Outreach Ministries associate director, has had the privilege of getting to know over the past two years. Barbara has an amazing story. She has been journeying with the Outreach Ministries department online for the last two years and has grown tremendously through this journey.The It Is Written series is just what she needed to help her make that final step in her decision to be baptized. She has become like family, and now she has made it official! Praise the Lord for each person who has chosen to give their lives to Jesus! It’s the best decision you could ever make!

Here are a few statistics from the February series:

More than 30 Oregon Conference churches partnered in the series 

2,000+ engagements with community happened (2,000 pre-registered, plus more that came from the community who did not pre-register)

500+ guests from the community attended opening weekend.

100+ decisions for baptism across all sites as of the beginning of March.


Follow-up efforts are now being launched throughout the communities. Churches are excited to see how this effort has energized their members and created more passion for evangelism in their church community. This initiative has not only helped reach people in the community but has also helped re-engage the church with missing members as well. Please continue to pray for those engaged in follow-up efforts and our new church members as they get to know Jesus better!

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