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Mango Tree Dentistry with Caring Hands Worldwide

Mango Tree Dentistry with Caring Hands Worldwide

Have you ever dreamed of being a missionary?

Thirty minutes with Randy and Marta Meyer from Fall Creek, Oregon, is like going on a world-wide missionary adventure. They have dental clinic stories from Madagascar, tales from Mongolia, new friends in the Philippines, miracles in the South Pacific, cured cavities in Peru, hundreds of patients who have received free dental care in Oregon, and much more.

“We don’t do just dentistry,”says Randy. “We come because our walk with God calls us to serve Him by serving others. Each of our providers; the dentists, assistants, drivers, everyone, must be able to love unconditionally and genuinely enjoy serving others. We’re not just pulling and filling teeth, we’re praying with the people, giving them Bibles, and teaching them to know Jesus. It also means we must come with humility, where we can joyfully receive the love that they give us, whether it be in their gifts of fruit, vegetables from their garden, or just an appreciative hug.”

Caring Hands Worldwide has been working with Riverside Farm Institute in Zambia for several years. The clinic there now has three full-time dentists, one from France and two from the Philippines. They have two portable dental clinics that can operate six hours a day under trees in remote villages. Since their equipment is now powered by the battery in their Land Rover, they are serving thousands of patients each year.

“God hasn't failed us yet,” smiles Randy. “You see, this isn't about us going and doing a two-week mission trip. It's about establishing something that can be run locally and continued for years to come, even if we are never able to come back.”

Learn more about Caring HandsWorldwide at on their Facebook page at

Take a few minutes to watch this great video from Zambia.

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