Recent transitions in Oregon Conference leadership have brought questions about how the leadership structure functions in our region.
Many of us are familiar with basic corporate and governmental hierarchical leadership structures in which vice presidents report directly to the president. That’s not actually how the Oregon Conference works, however.
According to our bylaws, there are four co-equal officers that each report directly to the Conference Executive Committee. Those officers are President, Secretary (VP for Administration), Treasurer (VP for Finance), and Superintendent of Schools (VP for Education). The four officers are differentiated by function, not by rank.

When an officer leaves the Oregon Conference, the bylaws do not include any protocols for “succession” in which an officer could transition (even temporarily) to a different office by virtue of that office’s vacancy. Instead, the conference continues to operate by committee with existing officers working together to accomplish the business and ministry of the Oregon Conference under the authority and supervision of the Executive Committee. In accordance with the bylaws, the Secretary (VP for Administration) chairs any necessary committees in the absence of a president.
The function of the Oregon Conference office is to support the ministry of our constituent churches and schools. That support continues, even during a leadership transition. Key decisions continue to be processed by the Administrative Committee and referred to the Executive Committee, as necessary. Meanwhile ministry directors continue to serve churches in their areas of expertise.
Currently, the Oregon Conference Administrative Committee consists of:
- Kara Johnsson, VP for Administration (Secretary)
- Ron Jacaban, VP for Education (Superintendent of Schools)
- Jonathan Russell, Assistant to the President
- Juan Pacheco, Assistant to the President for Communication
- David Paczka, Latino/Hispanic Ministries Director
- Rick Jordan, Ministerial Director