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Oregon Conference Pathfinders Gather for First In-Person Fair in Years

Oregon Conference Pathfinders Gather for First In-Person Fair in Years

After three years of not being able to meet together for our end-of-year Pathfinder Fair, the Oregon Pathfinders were able to come together in-person at Three Sisters Adventist School in Bend, Oregon. Over 350 pathfinders and staff gathered on Sunday, May 15 under the central Oregon sunny skies with a backdrop of a picturesque mountainous view to the west and were able to joyfully celebrate and recognize various accomplishments from this past year and demonstrate various skills learned. The Oregon Conference Pathfinder leadership team, consisting of area coordinators from throughout the state, worked diligently to make this event a reality.
Pathfinders were not only able to celebrate in the accomplishments of other Pathfinders, but also enjoy a plethora of games, activities, and great food. However, more than that, what a joyful experience for our young people and leaders to spend quality time in fellowship, enjoying the outdoors and re-connecting with friends from different parts of the state and catching up. There is something special about in-person interaction and fellowship that doesn’t have a close second.
The last couple of years have been frustrating and discouraging at moments when it comes to ministry and fellowship. However, we are thankful and appreciative for the newer moments that have slowly began to reshape in the life of ministry, especially as it relates to Pathfinder ministry.  Having gatherings, whether at the local church level or conference wide, allows opportunities for your young people to build Christ-centered relationships with their peers, but also inter-generational friendships with their directors, leaders, and pastors. This last weekend was no exception. As you walked around the field and observed people interacting, you saw smiles, heard conversations, and observed brotherly fellowship taking place among the young people.
In terms of recognitions, we would like to mention a few individuals. Rachel Scribner, our conference TLT coordinator, approved six TLT’s to be invested after four years of hard work, training, service, and dedication to youth ministry. These included Gabe Fullard-Leo, Cassie Janani, Matthew Beaty, Joseph McWilliam, Khiun Paw, and Quentin Ulloa. These TLT’s were pinned by their mentor and awarded their patch and TLT chord by Racheal. Secondly, we publicly recognized the hard work of two teams from the Pleasant Valley Club who made it to the North American Division level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), an accomplishment that takes countless number of hours studying and reviewing God’s Word. And last, we mention the nearly 20 Pathfinders who came forward that had been baptized in the last couple of years. Pastor Jonathan Russell offered a prayer of dedication for these young people who have recently committed their lives to the Lord. Amen!
We are especially grateful to all the local club directors, staff and parents who invest so much of their time and energy to provide these opportunities for their young people. We look forward to how God might use Pathfinder Ministry this next year to assist parents in helping our young people grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and men.

See photos from the event on our Flickr page...

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