Jonathan Russell
May 27, 2022
This coming week, June 1, Dan & Jane Nicola will say goodbye to the Oregon Conference as they begin a transition to Monterey Bay Academy (MBA) in La Selva Beach, California. Dan will step into the role of principal for the school, while Jane will become the school's registrar.
Jonathan Russell
April 29, 2022
On Thursday April 28, a joint meeting of the Oregon Conference Executive and Nominating committees elected Brandon O’Neal as Oregon Conference Superintendent of Schools (Vice President for Education).
Jonathan Russell
March 4, 2022
Saying "goodbye", saying "hello".
Jonathan Russell
December 3, 2021
On December 2, the Oregon Health Authority held a rules advisory committee meeting to discuss a planned permanent indoor mask mandate. Public reporting of this meeting named the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a participant in this advisory committee. Here’s what that means:
Jonathan Russell
November 5, 2021
On October 21, the Oregon Conference Executive Committee elected Pastor Jana Lee as the new director for Children's & Family Ministries.