Portland resident Chit Oo is a refugee from the country of Myanmar. Chit arrived in Portland with his wife and son in 2014, coming from Thailand. Chit lost most of his right leg when he stepped on a mine near his home in Myanmar several years ago. His prosthetic leg served him acceptably, though a bit tightly, until several months ago when the sole of his shoe wore out. That’s when his new friend, Adventist bible worker Do So, began working to get Chit’s leg repaired.

Traveling to appointments, waiting in doctors’ offices, discussing options, and considering next steps provided ample time for Do So to introduce Chit’s family to Jesus their Savior. Do So lives in Portland and is employed as a bible worker for the Oregon Conference. He serves as Pastor for a cluster of Karen-speaking congregations in Oregon, British Columbia,Washington, and Nevada.
“The concept of a Savior is part of Buddhist theology,” says Do So. “Buddhists are promised that a Savior is coming, but no one knows who he will be! You can imagine my great joy when I tell my Buddhist friends that the name of the coming Savior is Emmanuel, Jesus, the Messiah!”

When Mr. Chit Oo heard about Jesus he was full of questions that made his new pastor friend smile with pleasure. Before long Do So was guiding Chit’s family through the Discover Bible guides. Sabbath afternoon, August 24, Mr. Chit Oo, his son, Poe Hsee, and their friend Eh Thatheyou, were baptized into new life with Jesus as their “personal savior,” and were accepted into membership at the Rockwood Seventh-day Adventist church in Oregon.
His prosthetic leg? A doctor is working on building are placement, but in the meantime Mr. Chit has used a slab of tire rubber and several cobbler’s nails to fashion a very comfortable new sole. It worked perfectly going down and up the stairs of the Rockwood baptistry!