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Taking the Time to Show our Pastors How Much We Appreciate Them

Taking the Time to Show our Pastors How Much We Appreciate Them

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, a special time to honor and support the dedicated individuals who serve as our pastors. Our pastors pour out their hearts in leading, serving, and praying for us. This year especially, our pastors in the Oregon Conference have been through a lot. This month offers the opportunity to show our gratitude and love for all they do!

As we enter this season, let’s be intentional about supporting our pastors. Don't underestimate the impact you will make in your pastor's life by letting them know you value them. Make a coordinated effort with your fellow church members to show them some love. Put some thought and effort into blessing them and their families. Trust me, a little bit of appreciation goes a long way!

To help you start with some ideas, here are five tangible ways you can show your appreciation this month:

  1. Plan a day off or retreat – Encourage your pastor to take a day or weekend to rest by covering their responsibilities, while also funding and facilitating a getaway.
  2. Write a heartfelt note – A simple letter or card expressing your gratitude can be deeply encouraging.
  3. Offer practical help – Assist with personal needs like babysitting, home repairs, or providing meals.
  4. Give a monetary gift – Consider contributing to a special offering for a gift card to bless your pastor and their family.
  5. Organize a special appreciation event – Host a luncheon, reception, or service to publicly acknowledge their dedication.

Here are also some meaningful ways to support your pastor throughout the year:

  1. Pray for them regularly – Let your pastor know you are praying for them and their family.
  2. Volunteer to lead a ministry – Lighten your pastor’s load by offering to lead or assist in one of the church’s ministries.
  3. Encourage boundaries and rest – Respect your pastor's need for family time and rest, encouraging them to take time off and avoid burnout.
  4. Provide encouraging feedback – Pastors often get feedback for the tough or negative things. Be a positive support by telling them what you appreciate and what is going well.

Let’s take this opportunity to express our thanks and support for those who faithfully lead us. Together, we can make this Pastor Appreciation Month a time of joy and refreshment for our leaders.

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